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Technically you are allowed a two-count rhythm associated by how a player receives the ball and the pivot foot is the basis for the counts. Typically the two-count rhythm is considered to equal 1 and 1 half steps, because on the second step you must either pass or shoot. However in the NBA they are relaxed on the traveling and some refs will allow for an extra step taking into consideration a player on fast break running at full speed. As long as they are consistent no one will complain too much. There is a dumb rumor that three steps are allowed before a layup, but only two steps on any other shot, etc. This is complete false. Also street rules are different than NBA as is NCAA. They are similar, but there a few differences.

Answer2 steps is the most you can take 3 is ileagal and tecnicly its orignally 1 and a half but they let you take 2 Answer

I am posotive that u can only take 2 because 3 is an odd number and acient Greeks always beleived in using even numbers because they thought that it was bad luck to use a odd number instead of a even number !i think that is cool don't u !

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13y ago
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12y ago

2, of course you have eurosteps and hopsteps.

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13y ago

you are able to take 2 steps if you re going in for a lay-up

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13y ago

In Basketball, you are allowed to take two (2) steps when going in for a layup.

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15y ago

three steps in a lay-up

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How many steps are legal on a drive to the basket?

if when you drive you go for a layup then 2

How many steps on a layup?

You are allowed one in a half steps when in motion to shoot a layup, your first foot that lands when picking up the dribble counts as one half step your second foot that lands counts as a half step and then your third foot that lands the one you will jump off of to shoot the layup counts as a half step giving you a grand total of one in a half steps hope this helps... a lot of people get confused with counts each foot that lands as a whole step...

Why do pro basketball player take more than 2 steps in a layup?

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How many free throws do you get if you are fouled and miss the layup?

Two. Like always.

If you are foulded while shooting a layup how many shot do you get?

you get two free throws

How far is a layup from the basket?

A layup is when you are very close to the basket when you shoot the ball. I would say a player would be 3 feet or less from the basket when they shot a layup.

How do you get the layup right the first time?

You cannot master the layup upon your first attempt. Layups are mastered after years and years of practice. The first year will help you get the basics down; the second year will help you perfect the right or left handed layup; the third, fourth, and fifth years will help you with layups from many different angles; and the sixth year and beyond will help you with the opposite handed layup.

Can you change direction while you are on layup?

When you are doing a layup, you go toward the basket. I'm sorry don't know what you mean.

Do you have to know how to do a layup to join a team?

If you are talking about playing basketball, it generally would be a good idea to know how to 'do' a layup. In basketball, the layup is one of the most important shots in the game because most points are scored that way.

How do you use rondo layup in NBA?

it is very easy to use rondo layup,thats all you have to do is grip the ball and do a finger roll.................

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Which shot is mostly taken on the run in basketball?

a layup.