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a layup.

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Q: Which shot is mostly taken on the run in basketball?
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List and describe the basic skills needed to play a game of basketball?

You have to run, know how to dribble, know how to shot, jump, rebound, and most important be coordinated.

Which sport do you run more soccer or basketball?

Soccer Players. The field is much larger, and endurance is a much larger factor in soccer. Soccer games are also MUCH longer than basketball games, no matter what level you're playing in. Also, there are only 3 substitutions allowed the whole soccer match as opposed to unlimited in basketball. Basketball players run an average of 5 miles per game while soccer players run 7 miles per game.

Which sport do you run more in basketball or baseball?

basketball obviously

Does Track interfere with Basketball?

Track should not interfere with basketball. "However some track drills may be used as basketball drills because both sports involve running, and in some cases jumping, track doesn't usually interfere with basketball, but it depends on what you mean by interfere, like you could mean, are you able to run track while you play basketball? in most schools yes you are eligible. but in some you are not. or you could mean, Can you run track on a basketball court? Mostly no. because track has turf and an inside basketball court is slippery, meaning it is varnished so much that certain shoes can make you slide on it, but if you have basketball shoes you don't have this problem. If you have track shoes on a basketball court it would make it harder to run but isn't impossible."

Do you need the CD to run free stlye street basketball?

no u do not need a CD to run freestyle street basketball

Which way does a deer run after being shot?

Anyway it wants to its about to be shot again

Do basketball players get taller when they play basketball?

No, playing basketball will not make someone taller. Basketball can help you run faster and remain active.

Do you have to run a lot in basketball if so are there any positions that you dont have to run as much and do you have to run more in basketball or volleyball?

Yes there is a lot of running in basketball (full court or half court). Either way you will be doing lots and lots of running and jumping, although the intensity is dependent on the pace of the game. You have to run much more in basketball than volleyball.

How do you slam dunk in basketball?

you run with the basketball and you put the basketball in the hoop and hang from the ring then le go hope that helped!

When you shoot a deer do they jump or stumble?

A good shot in the vitals will make a deer jump high and kick like a bull. but mostly depends on where you hit, weapon, angle of shot and deer. I have had big bucks fall down instantly and a small doe run 150 yards after being shot in the heart

How is basketball healthy?

you run and burn calories

Did Rachel from glee get shot?

no. when she made the run joey run video in season one, she was fake shot with a fake gun.