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In volleyball you win two games of at least 25 points and win if some team over 25 or at 25 points by two points for example the games score now is 25-24 the team does win until they are two points ahead of the other team.

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14y ago
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13y ago

3. that's an really easy question. lol

Actually there can be 5 and you can have to win 3 out of 5. For example we play 3 out of 5 because we have no J.V. team.

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15y ago

1 set is usually 25 points. Usually best 3 out of 5 sets will win. However on the last set, sometimes 15 points will be played.

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the main skills are the bump, the set, the block and the spike

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they are the offensive players that usually spike or tip the ball over the net from a volley set by the setter.

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The 2nd contact (pass set hit). When you use your hands to set your attacker for a hit.

In volley ball who is the person who is by the net?

Well it would either be the setter (she passes the ball up with her hands above her head) or the hitters (they receive the set and hit the ball on the other side)

What are the five skills ofa volleyball game?

block, set (volley), bump(pass), serve (underhand and/or overhand),and spike

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I don't play volley ball but i think it's used to be ready to pass the ball. Im 12 and that's what my P.E coach tells me.

What is it called when one team reaches 25 points first in volley ball?

If you serve the ball, and nobody touches it on the opposing team, it is called an "ace".

Can you score a goal off of a corner kick in soccer?

You could win a game by corners if you either ;Score from a corner directlyScore from the set piece via header, volley etc.Obviously you would have to keep the opposition from scoring also.

When would you use a volley pass in volleyball?

you would use... a pass/ bump to control the ball once it comes back over a set/ overhand pass to get the ball nice and high to the hitter a hit/ spike to smash the ball in the other teams face!

How many times can a player touch the ball in the game of volley?

In indoor volleyball, the ball has to be touched at least once, but never more than 3 times before it has to be returned over the net. However, in serve receive (after your opponent serves the ball and it is coming to your side) the ball has to be touched at least twice, and is the ideal time for the first set up.