you would use...
a pass/ bump to control the ball once it comes back over
a set/ overhand pass to get the ball nice and high to the hitter
a hit/ spike to smash the ball in the other teams face!
Soccer you use your feet, volleyball you use your hands. In volley ball the ball is mostly in the air, and in soccer, the ball is mostly on the ground.
The 2nd contact (pass set hit). When you use your hands to set your attacker for a hit.
A bump pass is when a player stretches their arms out in front of them and puts their hands together, one hand on top of the other, and thumbs next to each other. When a volleyball is thrown or hit, you use your forearms, just above your wrist, also known as your platform, to pass the volleyball up in the air.
You should pass (bump) the volleyball when it is below your shoulders. You will get the best contact with the volleyball this way.
I volleyed the ball over the net. I panicked when a volley of shots rang out from the balcony above.
It depends on the age group you playing in. Usually 12u and lower use volley lights which are lighter weight for the younger ones. Anything after that uses pro-touch volleyballs. And if your a beginner at those ages you should use a soft touch volleyball.
When you use one arm with a fist to pass the ball. The ball meets or hits your forearm which is the part of arm between your hand and your elbow.A forearm pass is when a player stretches their arms out in front of them and puts their hands together, one hand on top of the other, and thumbs next to each other. When a volleyball is thrown or hit, you use your forearms, just above your wrist, or your platform, to pass the volleyball up in the air.
Yes, you can use your arms and wrists as long as you use the volleyball passing technique or if your fist is closed. Having an open hand and raising your arms on the ball is an illegal lift that you will get called for in games.
It is when you use one of your hands to serve swing your hand over your head.
When the serve first comes over the net, the first return must be a bump, but when it comes over and someone bumps it, then you can do an over hand pass
Serve (there are many, many different kinds of serves), forearm pass (the pass that most back row, or defensive, players use), set (the pass that the setter usually gives to a player to hit), and attack (most commonly done by the front row, or offensive, players use), communicate on the court, and play as a team rather than individuals functioning separately. There you have it, volleyball in a nutshell.