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英式足球 [yīng shì zú qiú]

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

足球(zu2 qiu2)

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Q: How do you say to soccer in Chinese?
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How you say soccer in Chinese?

zu' qi'u

Is there soccer in China?

Yes! There is soccer in China. Many people there also enjoy watching it too. China even has a World Cup Team. Some even say that the Chinese invented soccer a long time ago.

Who invented soccer game?

soccer was invented by the united kingdome in the 1800's

How do you say plays as in soccer in spanish?

jugar is used to say play sport. If your trying to say "to play soccer" you would say "jugar futbol(soccer in spanish)"

Did the Chinese play soccer 3000 years ago?


What did the ancient Chinese call soccer?


How do you say I like to play soccer after school in Chinese?

我放学后喜欢踢足球. Or : Wǒ fàngxué hòu xǐhuan tī zúqiú.Literally: I, after school is dismissed, like to play football (soccer).

Does soccer rock or rule?

Soccer ROCKS or Soccer RULES if you were wondering about how to say it

Who inented soccer?

the Chinese soldiers used heads as soccer ball back in the early 500 b.c. but the main people that invented soccer were the Germans in the 1500s

How do you say soccer and football in french?

soccer: foot

Who started or invented soccer?

i think the Chinese started a sport like soccer then other countries just kept adding on.

What ancient Chinese game is soccer thought to be an adaptation?

Tsu chu