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Q: What did the ancient Chinese call soccer?
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What ancient Chinese game is soccer thought to be an adaptation?

Tsu chu

Who founded Soccer?

Some believe it was Europeans of the 1800's and others believe that it was by the Ancient Chinese.

What is the historical period of soccer?

The historical origins of soccer can be traced back as far as 2500 BC. This was a sport that was played by ancient Greeks, Chinese and Romans.

Who invented soccer game?

soccer was invented by the united kingdome in the 1800's

Where does a soccet ball really come from?

If you mean a soccer ball the ancient Chinese soldiers used to play a game that is like modern soccer. except thaat they used a pig's bladder blown up as a soccer ball.

Does ancient rome call soccer football or soccer?

1) They spoke latin so neither 2) Football wasn't invented yet so neither

What person invent?

Soccer was actually invented by a group of people. There are still arguments in which some believe it was invented by the Europeans while other believe it was by the Ancient Chinese.

Ancient Chinese Houses?

Ancient chinese houses were centers of government

How do ancient Chinese preserve dead bodies?

the ancient chinese helped

Where and when did soccer originate?

There is evidence suggesting a soccer-like game was played up to 5,000 years ago in China, Egypt, Rome, and Greece. However, soccer as we know it today began in England in the 1860s.

Did all ancient Chinese people do mummification?

Ancient Chinese never did mummification like the Ancient Egyptians.

What did the ancient Chinese use matches for?

The Ancient Chinese used matches for Fireworks