

Who invented soccer game?

Updated: 8/23/2023
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13y ago

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soccer was invented by the united kingdome in the 1800's

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13y ago

Some say it was China other say it is England.

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12y ago

Soccer is thought to have originated from the ancient egyptians and Chinese long ago... Therefor it was not invented, only modernized from different games played in ancient times...

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there 2 acquanted and still no answer: The Chinese invented soccer as an activitie after working a long day. soccer was invented by the united kingdome in the 1800's

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The Romans invented the forerunner to football and or soccer, the Romans spread the game around Europe, the game evolved into the different codes from the original Roman invention of the game they used to play.

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No, rugby was invented during a game of soccer or as i say it football.

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Nobody did it went through F.I.F.A

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Nobody invented it in Spain. Soccer's origins go back thousands of years and the game has spread all over the world, including to Spain.

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Soccer, like a lot of other sports, has origins that are not known for certain. We don't know who invented it. Was it just one person, or was there a meeting? When was the sport invented? We don't know. Where was it invented? We're not sure. Many sports evolve from another sport or game. People played a game in a given way until a point, and then things changed and it suddenly became another game. Read more here:

What group of people first invented soccer?

Versions of the game have been played for centuries, but the modern game as we know it today was invented in England in the late 1800's.

Is any one person or country responsible for the invention of soccer?

Boys have been kicking objects for as long as there have been little boys. Ancient Roman solders played a game somewhat similar to soccer. The game as it is now played with the rules similar to the current rules and from which the current rules came was invented in England. So, the game of Soccer was invented in England.

Who inverted soccer?

Soccer was thought to be invented by the Chinese however nobody fully knows as many different countries had the same game but with different rules

When was soccer invented in England?

i think soccer was invented in 1633 or 1643