When you jump serve, always keep in mind that it is a hit just like you would do on the front row. Keep thinking "left, right, left" for righty's foot work and vise versa for lefty's. You also need to keep your toss at the right height before you serve it. Consistency is key for successful jump serves. Keep practicing and don't give up on it!
Do a quad jump instead
jump serve or topspin serve
Do a standing hop, step, and jump as many times as you can.
To improve your technique for performing a jump on a bicycle, focus on building speed before the jump, bending your knees to generate power, and using your arms to lift the front wheel. Practice landing smoothly and maintaining balance to improve your overall jump performance.
To improve your high jump you need to do things like jumping up in the air from a standstill and also practise short sprints another good thing for high jump is to actually do long jump as well.
The best types of serves are either a jump float or a jump serve.
This is called a jump serve.
You might be thinking of the 6 service zones. (your side) 1 - back right 2 - front right 3 - front middle 4 - front left 5 - back left 6 - back middle In upper level volleyball there can be around 30-40 serving zones the main types of serves are: Float serve Jump serve Jump float Long serve (distance standing from service line not distance served)
Actually, there are many more than two.You can...Underhand serve (swing under the ball with a fist)Overhand serve (Contact the ball above your head with an open palm)Spike Jump Serve (Do a three step approach, jump and contact the ball in the air like an overhand serve)Slide Jump Serve (Run to the side using your three step approach, jump, turn in the air and snap your shoulders, and contact the ball like and overhand serve)There are many more, but those are the most basic (listed from most basic to least basic)Hope this helps =)
she does a topspin jump serve