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This is called a jump serve.

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Q: What is a serve in which the server tosses the ball makes an approach jumps and spikes the ball?
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What is a down ball in volleyball?

When a player jumps up and spikes a ball down on the other side of the court

What are better for jumps one fourth or one eighth track spikes?

One eigth. They allow traction and wont stike in the ground during the jump.

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There is a "back-court violation" This happens when a back-court player or a Libero, jumps after the attack line to hit the ball or if a Libero spikes a ball that is over the height of the net.

How is a basketball game started?

The game begins by with a jump ball, the Referee tosses the ball into the air, as it comes down one player from each team jumps upward inn an attempt to tap the ball to a teammate.

What are the spikes of the ice skates used for?

At the front of a figure skating blades are some points. Each point is called a "toepick." The toepicks make up the "toerake" of the blade. The toepicks are used by figure skaters to initiate and land jumps

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It can be that the site uses adds to support them to pay for the server costs.

Why is jumps called jumps?

*Why are jumps called jumps?In order to clear an "obstacle" of any sort, a horse must jump over it. Therefore these "obstacles" became known as jumps.

How do you get a score over 9200 on horseisle jumping without peggy tack?

Use all your big jumps first, even over the small jumps and try landing as close to the jump as possible. StirrupToe from Dun, Roan and White Server. Visit for FREE quest quides and for FREE premade profiles for your account!

What are the jumps called in horse shows?

The sport of horse racing over jumps is called steeplechasing, while racing with no jumps is called flat racing.

What materials are used to make horse jumps?

Wood and plastic are the usual materials to manufacture horse jumps. Plastic jumps are more durable than wood jumps and can stand more impacts than wood jumps.

Make a sentence with a word 'jumps?

The rabbit jumps over the log in the forest.

What is the jumps of lambs using a plural noun and possessive noun that rhymes?

The jumps of lambs = the sheep's leaps.