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Well first you realy don't have to be skinny. For exsample, most bases are pretty big and strong. Of corse you can't be fat but you don't have to be skinny. Second streach every day. Start of with easy things like touching your feet without bending you legs,speard your legs out and touch each toe twenty times,go as far into the splits as you can.After about a week of doing that every day you'll be able to put your palms to the ground without bending your legs,you'll be able to put your nose to each of your knees and you'll be able to do the splits.It's all a matter of time.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

All you have to do is work out, eat heathier, and get fit. you dont have to be skinny skinny you just have to be fit. on some teams they have cheerleaders that are on the heavy side, but there on the team because there fit and can dance and be helpful on the team.
so u dont have to be skinny skinny just FIT! :p
- Cheerleader Captian

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Just workout and dont eat too much fatty foods trust me i learned from being a cheerleader

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βˆ™ 14y ago

by lots of practice stretching and hard work

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βˆ™ 13y ago

by staying active and conditioning.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

By stretching repeatedly.

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Q: How can you become flexiable for cheerleading?
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What state did cheerleading become a sport?

Cheerleading was invented at the University of Minnesota.

When did cheerleading become a sport to the US?

In 1898

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When did stunting become a major part of cheerleading?

in 1961

What has cheerleading become?

Cheerleading has become more than girls in skirts jumping around yelling Go Team Go! Since the development of All-Star cheerleading, the sport has become much more extreme. Cheerleaders now are serious athletes who spend hundreds of hours doing strenuous training. Some of the stunting and tumbling is very difficult, and can even cause death sometimes. Cheerleading has become a sport.

What are some advanced cheerleading stretches?

Cheerleading Stretches help almost every part of your body, there are multiple stretches you can do with your legs, arms abs and back. With cheerleading stretches you will become slimer and stronger.

In what year did cheeerleading officially become a sport according to the National Federation of Cheerleading?

Cheerleading has not officially become a sport yet. But we are trying to get it to the Olympics so it becomes knowen as a sport this competion started this year called ICU where olympic officials came and saw what cheerleading was all about.

Does it make a boyfriend happy when the girlfriends are joining cheerleading?

not always you shouldnt just join cheerleading for your bf join if you want to become a cheerleader

How can you become a Pittsburgh Steelers cheerleader?

Currently, the Steelers do not have a cheerleading squad.

Who was the founder of cheerleading?

Thomas Peebles introduce the idea of organized cheerleading, but it did not become "official"until Johnny Cambell started it in 1898 at the University of Minnosota.

When did cheerleading become and official sport?

A judge recently ruled that cheerleading was not a sport. As a fellow cheerleader, I beg to differ. Cheerleading combines gymnastics, dancing, and even weight lifting.

How can you become a Level 5 flyer in cheerleading in a year?

By practicing every day to improve and become a level 5 cheerleader