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A judge recently ruled that Cheerleading was not a sport. As a fellow cheerleader, I beg to differ. Cheerleading combines gymnastics, dancing, and even weight lifting.

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14y ago

Cheerleading is actually still fighting to make some people consider it a real sport. It depends on who you ask as to whether or not it is a sport.

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Q: When did cheerleading become and official sport?
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What is the date of when cheerleading became a sport?

There is no official date of when cheerleading became a sport. This is because there is still much debate over its status as a sport

What state did cheerleading become a sport?

Cheerleading was invented at the University of Minnesota.

When did cheerleading become a sport to the US?

In 1898

In what year did cheeerleading officially become a sport according to the National Federation of Cheerleading?

Cheerleading has not officially become a sport yet. But we are trying to get it to the Olympics so it becomes knowen as a sport this competion started this year called ICU where olympic officials came and saw what cheerleading was all about.

What has cheerleading become?

Cheerleading has become more than girls in skirts jumping around yelling Go Team Go! Since the development of All-Star cheerleading, the sport has become much more extreme. Cheerleaders now are serious athletes who spend hundreds of hours doing strenuous training. Some of the stunting and tumbling is very difficult, and can even cause death sometimes. Cheerleading has become a sport.

How many schools have cheerleading as a sport?

There are thousands of schools across the country that have cheerleading, but very few consider it a sport. 17 of 50 states consider cheerleading a sport

Miley Cyrus' favorite sport?

Cheerleading Cheerleading

Is miley's favorite sport cheerleading?

yes Miley's fav sport is cheerleading i have talk to her myself!!!

How can any sane person call cheerleading a sport?

The definition of 'sport' is: "A physical activity that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often engaged in competitively." Cheerleading is a physical activity, cheerleading is governed by a set of rules, and cheerleading is competitive. Therfefore, cheerleading is a sport.

Who was the founder of cheerleading?

Thomas Peebles introduce the idea of organized cheerleading, but it did not become "official"until Johnny Cambell started it in 1898 at the University of Minnosota.

Is there cheerleading in Australia?

There is very little cheerleading at schools but there is cheerleading at professional sport games

Is cheerleading the best sport?

It's a matter of opinion. I love cheerleading and definitely think its the best sport there is!