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By practicing every day to improve and become a level 5 cheerleader

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Q: How can you become a Level 5 flyer in cheerleading in a year?
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In what year did cheeerleading officially become a sport according to the National Federation of Cheerleading?

Cheerleading has not officially become a sport yet. But we are trying to get it to the Olympics so it becomes knowen as a sport this competion started this year called ICU where olympic officials came and saw what cheerleading was all about.

What year was cheerleading discovered?

It was 1898!!! There is more info on cheerleading such as who invented at

How does an 11 year old girl become a cheerleader?

go to your gym or local school and ask about cheerleading for 11 year old girls and or boys!

Does Salome High School have a cheerleading squad?

Salome High School does have a cheerleading squad but in order to get in you have to be expirenced in tumbling and you will have a lot to look up to. The cheerleading squad curnetly only execpt 25 girls a year so you better get ready if you want to become a cheerleader.

What year was cheerleading started?


The year of the flight of the flyer?


What year was flight of the flyer?


What year of the flight of the flyer?


What is a flyer in cheerleading?

You can't just "become" a flyer/flier in cheerleading. Most flyers/fliers are small and or short. You must know many stunts like a liberty, bow and arrow, scorpion, arabesque, and many more. You must work hard on your flexibility also. Way2boring4u's Improved Answer :) Becoming a flyer for cheerleading usually can only happen if your small or short or if your flexiblie. but if you ask your coach then they will let you fly usually. Sometimes you can become a flyer if there are lots of big people on your team. I know a girl and she's not small but she flys, things can happen :) But when you are a flyer, you have to know how to be tight in the air, by locking your knees, and legs, and squeezing., and not letting you leg pop out of place. So work on your flexibilty,by holding a straddle sit and doing your splits can help. Good Luck :) cheerleader97: Well like they said you can't really do anything to become a flier. You have to be somewhat thin and short. I am a flier myself, and no offense so to anyone else, but I think it is way more fun than being a base. I mean you get to be height in the air and it feels great! But if you are 5' 7" or something.. I wouldn't expect to be a flier even if you are skinny. I mean it might happen but most likely not. They pick the tiniest girls to be fliers. Ashley: That's not true..mainly you have to be thin, yes, but I know girls on my squad that are like 5'7 and they are great flyers! But yes you do need to be flexible....

What year was cheerleading first played?

Well, idk what year cheerleading was first started. Cheer isn't played and we're not players. We're called cheerleaders.

What year was the Wright Flyer made in?


In what year was the sport cheerleading invented?

1898 1898