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When you slide you slide into second third or home never slide into first. you don't have to slide when it is a forced out either. To slide you run at full speed if you slow down you could injure your self and wont go far on the slide. you should slide about 7 feet from the base. When you start to slide don't hesitate . go legs first.

here are some things to remember when sliding

1st- stick your left leg out and pretend to be reaching for the base with it

2nd- fold your right leg at the knee under you left

3rd- keep your body down (the point of a slide is to Dodge the ball)

4th- do all of this before you hit the ground

5th-dont think just do it

6th- it may hurt even if you do it right but it will hurt more if you do it wrong

here are tips for practicing it

1-get sweat pants on (they cushion you if you mess up)

2-go outside on the grass (just to get used to it )

3-wet the grass (that way you slide over it )

4-practice (if you practice it enough you wont have to think in a real game)

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13y ago
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16y ago

In a hook slide you want to slide next to the base rather then straight into the base. If the fielder is on the right side on the base, then you want to slide to the left and vice versa. So you start out sliding next to the base and you roll from your back to your stomach in mid slide and grab onto the base with what ever hand is easier for you...hooking yourself onto the base. This is usually used to avoid being out in a tag situation.

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13y ago

A great way to learn and learn well, is by using a slip-n-slide. The best way that I can explain by message is to:

Step 1: DO NOT HESITATE! Hesitation will get you hurt and or make you unsuccessful.

Step 2: Start by standing with your hands above your head, and your left leg bent up. [depending on whats comfortbale some people bend there right leg]

Step 3: Sit back on to your bottom (keeping your leg bent)

NOTE: You will probably roll on to your back but with speed your torso will stay up-right.

Step 4: Start jogging sliding.

Step 5: Work your way up to sprinting.

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16y ago

You drop on your knees and skid to what ever direction you are heading into.

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14y ago

feet first never head first unless you have it

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14y ago

so you have a better chance of being safe when their is a tag at the base/plate. Base-running essentially wins games.

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Sometimes it depends where you are playing. I usually have to, or your out.

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If the slide has no friction, then at the bottom of the slide. If it does then it's when the child is going the fastest.

Who is the fastest women's softball base runner?

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