A base on balls counts as a plate appearance but not as an at bat. A base on balls does not affect a batter's batting average.
Addendum: it also counts as a time on base, and figures into the batters on base percentage. As well, if the bases are loaded, and the batter is walked, it counts as an R.B.I. for the batter.
Yes. How would you win if there was not one?
This is incorrect... Bases (1st -3rd) allow bilateral movement. Home PLATE dictates unilateral movement depending on the player's position (batter can go only to first, runner can only come in from third.) Home is called a plate for a reason.
If you reach base on a sacrifice then you've either reached base by a legal hit (an AB) or an error. For example:
1. You are trying to advance your base runner to 2nd by way of bunting but when you bunt it ends up being a legitimate single. It's scored an a 1B and an at-bat. It counts as a PA and your OBP is 1 for 1 in this instance.
2. Reaching base on a sac fly (attempt) but the fielder drops the pop fly. So, in reality you reach base via a fielding error. It's no sacrifice rather R/E therefore goes against your BA and OBP - yes it's an at bat.
If the ball gets passed the catcher on a (passed) drooped 3rd strike it is scored as a strike out ... If the catcher throws the ball to 1st before the batter gets there it is scored as a strike out and or a 2 to 3 put out ...More then likely a passed ball will be scored an Error then another way ...
Yes. While a sacrifice fly does not count against your batting average it does against your on base percentage. On base % = (hits + walks + hits by pitch) / (at-bats + walks + hits by pitch + sacrifice flies)
Yes an error counts as an at bat, but not a hit. You would be 0 for 1 on the play, but your on base percentage goes up because you have reached base safely. Errors can be committed on sacrifice bunts and sacrifice flies. If the official scorer rules a play a sacrifice bunt/fly and an error, the batter is not charged with a time at bat. On base percentage goes down when reaching base on an straight error.
No, a sacrifice fly does not count as an official at-bat, in order to have an at-bat scored as a sac fly though a runner must advance home safely on your fly ball
Any type of sacrifice, walk, or hit by pitch does not count as an at bat.
No, a sacrifice does not count as a hit nor as a time at bat. There is a special statistic kept for sacrifices.
The official formula for on-base percentage is (Hits + Walks + Hit by pitch) / (At-bats + Walks + Hit by pitch + sacrifice flies). Reaching base on an error goes against your BA and OBP, as it doesn't count as a hit but counts as an at bat.
A fly ball that advances a runner from second to third is not counted as a sacrifice fly, and it does count as an at bat. Unless a runner scores on a fly ball, the batter is charged with an at bat.
No. A base on balls does not count as an at bat so the batter's average is the same after the walk as it was before the walk.
Hit by the pitch, sacrifice, base on balls and I believe catcher's interference
The answer is no, BB, HBP, SH and SF does not count as an official AB yes new answer: There is no such thing as a sacrifice ground ball and this would be an at-bat. The only exception is a bunt.