The official formula for on-base percentage is (Hits + Walks + Hit by pitch) / (At-bats + Walks + Hit by pitch + sacrifice flies).
Reaching base on an error goes against your BA and OBP, as it doesn't count as a hit but counts as an at bat.
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For on-base percentage, it still counts as an at bat and the hitter is not credited with an 'on base' so whether its an error or a fielder's choice the player's on-base percentage will decrease
Yes, reaching base on an error counts as an at-bat so the batting average would go down. However, if you reach base due to a base hit and the fielder makes an error which allows you to advance an extra base, you are still credited with a hit which would make your batting average go up.
No, it is not considered a base hit, and it is not recored as a hit in the official scoring.
The only time it would be considered a hit is if you would have made it to base anyway, but any error on the play allowed you to advance bases, however you would only get credit for a single, not a double if you ended up on 2nd.
No. Reaching base due to the uncaught third strike rule, an error, or fielder's choice does not increase on base percentage but decreases it.
Reaching on an error does not count as a hit. However, it does count as an at bat and therefore is recorded as a statistic.
NO... the answer is in your question... if its an ERROR how can it be a hit ... If the batter hits into a fielder choice then there to its not a hit ...