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Baseball and soccer cleats are quite different because they are designed for different purposes. Soccer cleats are designed for grip exclusively on turf since the soccer pitch is entirely covered in turf, but baseball cleats are designed to give the player maximum grip on the dirt basepaths, which is why baseball cleats will sometimes perform poorly for outfielders, especially on wet turf. Soccer cleats are round while baseball cleats are (generally) rectangular, and both have blunt bottoms. Certain soccer boots allow the owner to change out the cleats as they wear, but I have never seen baseball shoes with replaceable cleats. The biggest difference however is that baseball cleats may be made of metal but soccer cleats never can. If you've ever wondered why soccer players kneel down while the referee walks behind them before a match, it is so he can see that all cleats are legal. In both sports it is illegal to sharpen cleats into spikes.

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13y ago
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15y ago

no you cannot. soccer CLETES are way different than baseball Cletes. if you wear soccer CLETES to play baseball or viseversa you could get badly injured. the pekes at the bottom of the CLETE are WAY DIFFERENT and are not safe to use for the wrong sport and that is the law.

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15y ago

Sure. But to get the most out of cleats you should probably wear baseball. there will probably be less traction while digging into the dirt on the infield

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15y ago

no because on baseball cleats the points on the bottom is not wide enough

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14y ago

no because they do not allow a stud on the toe unless you cut it off with a rasor blade

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17y ago

ya i think so

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16y ago


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Q: Can you were soccer shoes for baseball?
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What is the difference between kids baseball and soccer shoes?

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I know soccer, football, baseball, & lacross

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I would recommend you buy running shoes. Soccer shoes are for soccer and are not made for running. If you use soccer shoes for running you may risk injury.

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It means it says warning for tese are soccer shoes not just any shoes that what wf stands for

What is soccer shoes commonly called?

There called cleats i play travel soccer and i say soccer shoes and cleats. So i doesn't matter really.

What are soccer shoes are called?

soccer shoes are called cleats you can tell that they are cleats if they have spikes on the bottom.

What kind of shoes use cleats in them?

Pretty much any outdoor field sport requires cleats (there are different types for each sport, I think). This includes soccer, football, field hockey, boys and girls lacrosse, softball, baseball, and rugby (there are probably more I can't think of).

Where can I find some soccer running shoes?

Any shoe store should have soccer running shoes. If a shoe store does not have soccer running shoes, then it is probably a store that only takes in and sells donations.

Would you like to have my indoor soccer shoes?

No, I do not want to have your indoor soccer shoes but you can put an ad up online to see if anybody would like to buy your indoor soccer shoes on kijiji or craigslist

What do cleats look like?

"It looks like the gaping maw of an angry demon. If you ever see it, you're about to have a chunk of your face ripped out." Most modern ones are made of hard plastic, not sharp enough to cause ripping damage. Just google-images "soccer cleat".