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Baseball shoes have metal cleats, which arent allowed/good for soccer. Soccer has plastic, so you don't tear open someone's face accidentally.

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Q: What is the difference between kids baseball and soccer shoes?
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What is the difference between a football shoe and a soccer shoe?

The difference is the weight. Soccer shoes are way lighter than football shoes.

What's the difference between indoor and out door soccer shoes?

I think the difference is in the rubber on the cleats. You can find them on this website You can also try

Can you use baseball shoes as football shoes?

no,because soccer shoes are more strong

What is the difference between baseball and football cleats?

Differences in Sports CleatsFootball cleats are the heaviest and most supportive. soccer cleats are light and fit your foot tighter than Baseball or football cleats. . Some soccer cleats are lighter than professional running shoes. Most soccer cleats are very thin but they don't were down easily. Baseball cleats are thicker and they have least pointy spikes because your mostly in the dirt. The most important distinction is that soccer cleats, unlike football and baseball cleats, do not have a cleat on the bottom of the toe.

Which sports wears spike shoes?

I know soccer, football, baseball, & lacross

Why is there a difference between soccer cleats and baseball cleats?

All styles of cleats are different depending on brand and preference. The main difference between soccer cleats and cleats for baseball is a "toe spike". Baseball cleats have a spike at the front of the foot, where the toes are to provide traction when taking off running in dirt, whereas, soccer cleats do not have this toe spike, because it would be hard to kick a ball off the ground properly without it getting stuck in the ground. Also soccer cleats are usually more "form fitting" or will have a more sleek and tighter feel to them since you play soccer with your feet, this allows for maximum feeling of control

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Shoes are closed in and Sandals are open.

Are running shoes necessary?

I would recommend you buy running shoes. Soccer shoes are for soccer and are not made for running. If you use soccer shoes for running you may risk injury.

What do soccer officials need to know?

How to: 1. tie their shoes 2. wear gray underwear 3. go on the computer 4. tell the difference between the colors yellow and red

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The difference in between a cordwainer and a cobbler is that a cobbler repaired shoes where a cordwainer or a shoemaker worked with new leathers and made the shoes.

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What are indoor soccer shoes for?

Indoor soccer