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Q: Can you have more catches than putouts in softball?
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Related questions

How many colleges for a softball player?

There are more than 1,200 colleges that have softball programs.

Why is the softball bigger than the baseball?

Softball fields are actually much smaller than baseball fields. This makes softball a faster paced game. It also makes it so that you have to have fast reflexes to play successfully in the infield.

What is the difference from a baseball bat and a softball bat?

I guess they are more heavier than softball bats

Is baseball more popular than softball?


Will a softball roll farther than a baseball?

I don't think so..a softball is bigger. More mass means more resistance.

Who is physically fit a basketball player or a softball player?

a basketball player because in my opinion they definitely move around much more than a softball player. i know this because i am a basketball and softball player and i would say that you move more and quicker than you would in softball

I think because softball is heavier than baseball. I also think that its because of airmasses. Softball has more airmass than baseball.?

yes the softball is heaver bc of the bigger it is. now i don't think a softball is heaver of air mass. but yes a softball is heaver!

Is ballet harder than softball?

YES! it requires more stamina, strength, etc.

Why does a foam softball seem much lighter than a normal softball?

why does a foam softball seeem much lighter than a normal softball

Which weighs more a basketball or a baseball?

Basketball - 22oz. Baseball - 51/8 oz. The basketball is heavier by 1 pound.

How is Deaf softball diffierent then normal softball?

they would give a lot more hand signels than talking to the player at bat or in the field

Is a meatball more like a sparerib than like a softball?

A soft ball