

Will a softball roll farther than a baseball?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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I don't think so..a softball is bigger. More mass means more resistance.

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Q: Will a softball roll farther than a baseball?
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Which can be thrown further a softball or baseball?

A baseball for sure. Baseballs have a denser mass than softballs, and because they are smaller they have less air resistance. This is the reason that in baseball the fences and bases are farther than in softball (regulation baselines in baseball is 90', softball is 60' ).

Does a baseball travel farther than a softball?

The baseball will travel farther because it is smaller. The smaller an object is, the less resistance it has to overcome to continue traveling. This is one of the reasons why a softball field is so much smaller than a baseball field. If softball was played on a baseball field, no one would be able to hit home-runs.

Will a baseball bounce higher than a softball?

A softball!

Does freezing a softball make it go farther?

Yes it does. Will a hard compression ball go farther than a softer one? The harder the ball the farther it will travel.

Why the ball of baseball is hard why the game is called softball?

Baseball is not called softball. The game of softball is called softball because the ball used is softer than a baseball.

What could you do to determine whether a softball will roll down a hill faster than a basketball?

a softball becaues it has lest mass than a basketball

Is it safe to hit a softball with a baseball bat?

completely! a softball is less hard than a baseball but a baseball bat will not harm the softball in any way

Why is the softball bigger than the baseball?

Softball fields are actually much smaller than baseball fields. This makes softball a faster paced game. It also makes it so that you have to have fast reflexes to play successfully in the infield.

Why does a ball roll farther ondirt than grass?

because grass has more friction for ball to roll than dirt.

Baseball versus softball?

They are practically the same. I've played both, the only difference is the pitching, the size of the ball, the size of the bats, and if you are playing for leagues or school then boys play baseball and girls play softball.

Does a baseball or a softball goes further if you hit it from the same distance?

no, thethe gravity of a baseball is bigger than a softball's. so baseball has more friction than softball. hence, if you hit both of them from the same speed ,baseball will go further than softball.

What is the difference between Major League Baseball and major league softball?

A baseball is smaller and harder than a softball.