well it depends they cant be worn in little league but in feb ball the can and it high school they can also be worn
Not until you get to high school. It is against the rules if you are younger than that to wear metal cleats. Even some high school level teams don't allow it. They are banned because if you step on someone when they are sliding, it hurts alot!
Yes, metal cleats are allowed in every middle and high-school.
Metal cleats are only allowed in some leagues of high school softball. You will have to check with your specific league to determine this. A lot of league do not allow them because of the increased safety risks
Early cleats were the men's leather, ankle high, work boots that often had a steel-toe cap. People hammered metal tacks or studs on the bottom of their shoes to provide more gripping power. There was a gradual movement to lighter weight shoes with fewer cleats. These cleats had rounded edges.
No you cannot. This is because Senior is grade 12 which is high school. Junior high would not go up that high of a grade level.
For youth Baseball it probably doesn't make that much difference, but for adult baseball (high school ball and higher), metal baseball cleats are allowed and are more effective than plastic football cleats. Plus, they don't wear down as easily.
Yes, it has. Upto junior high (middle school) level.
Personally, I have never been made aware of such honors at a junior or senior high school level. In general, such honors are typically reserved for a college or university.
I took it in my junior year of high school. But that was in 1998.