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If a fielder drops a foul ball, that is counted as an error, even though the batter does not advance to first. MLB Rule 10.12 (a) (2) is pretty clear:

The official scorer shall charge an error against any fielder:


(2) when such fielder muffs a foul fly to prolong the time at bat of a batter, whether the batter subsequently reaches first base or is put out;

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Q: Can an error be charged if nobody reaches or is on base?
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Is it an error if a player double pumps a throw to 1st?

an error is only charged if the runner reaches base because of the mistake when they should have been out.

If a batter reaches base on an error is it an official at bat?

Yes. The only time it is not an official "At Bat", is if a batter reaches base on a base on balls, hit by pitch or catcher interference. A batter is also not charged with an "At Bat" if he hits a sacrifice fly (a fly ball out that results in a runner tagging up and scoring), or a sacrifice bunt that advances a runner or runners. He is also not charged with an "At Bat" if the batter reaches base as a result of an error on a sacrifice fly or sacrifice bunt.

If a running reaches base on an error and then steals a base does he get credit for the stolen base?


If a batter reaches 1st base as the result of an error but gets thrown out trying to reach 2nd on the same play is the error negated?

The error stands as the batter reached a base safely.

If a throw is made to a base and the man covering the base is not there allowing the ball to go into the outfield who is charged with the error?

The error will be on the person who was to cover the based. this is as long as the person who was to cover the base could have gotten the ball. If in fact there is nobody there to receive the ball, then it would be ruled a throwing error. Offical baseball rules section 10.13(e) The Official Scorer section.An error shall be charged against any fielder whose failure to stop, or try to stop, an accurately thrown ball that permits a runner to advance, providing there was occasion for the throw. If such throw be made to second base, the scorer shall determine whether it was the duty of the second baseman or the shortstop to stop the ball, and an error shall be charged to the negligent player. Note: If in the scorer's judgment there was no occasion for the throw, an error whall be charged to the fielder who threw the ball.

If a player hits a home run and there was an error in the inning how many of the runs are earned?

if there is two outs and the error would have meant the third out, then no earned runs will be charged. In all other cases, any runner who reached base on an error will not be considered an earned run ( the batter will be an earned run if the error was not supposed to be the third out.) Any runner who reaches base on a hit or walk but advances a base because of an error will still be considered an earned run when the homerun is hit (including runners who already scored on errors)

Is there such thing as a double play in cricket?

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANSWER: Yes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

When a player gets on base due to a fielders error is the batter charged for time at bat?

Yes, the batter would have been out if it were not for the error.

Is a passed ball that allows a runner at third base to score considered an error?

It is an error, charged to the catcher as a passed ball, however, it does not show up in the stats as an error.

Who gets the error if the thrown ball is caught in the baseline and the runner knocks the ball from the glove?

This will depend on the situation. If it is a poorly thrown ball where the runner would be out on a good throw the person who threw the ball would be charged the error. This would be an instance where the 1st baseman had to jump or dive to catch the ball then apply the tag. If the throw is a good throw and basically dropped the the person catching is charged an error. If it is an instance where it is a collision at home or any other base an other then the fact the ball was dropped due to the collision then nobody would be charged an error

In MLB rules if a player get on base by an error is it called a hit?

No, when a player reaches base on an error the batter is not credited with a hit. He is credited with an at bat, so as far his statistics are concerned, it is as though he made an out.

Does a fielder's error go down as a hit officially?

No. If a player reaches base due to a fielder's error, the batter does not receive credit for a hit, but does get credit for an at-bat. Therefore, the batter's average will descend, but the batter's on-base percentage will increase.