Foul-tip Rule 2.00 see also; Strike (g) and 6.05(b) There is nothing "FOUL" about a foul-tip. It is a strike and the ball is alive. A foul-tip is the same as a swing and a miss. To be a foul-tip, by rule, the ball must go sharp and direct from the bat to the catcher's hand or glove AND BE CAUGHT. Confusion arises on this because people commonly call any ball that is tipped or nicked a foul-tip. It is not a foul-tip, by rule, unless the nicked or tipped ball is caught. If it is not caught, it is simply a foul-ball. A foul-ball is a dead ball. A foul-tip (a legally caught nick) is a live ball strike, just like a swing and a miss. Read the rule in the Official Baseball Rules
Yes. A foul tip is a ball hit by the batter that goes directly back to the catcher who catches the ball. Runners may try to advance (steal a base) at their own risk. A batted ball that is barely touched and goes foul is often erroneously called a "foul tip", but technically is just a foul ball.
In all rules, a foul tip immediately caught by the catcher is considered exactly like a strike. As such, a base runner is allowed to attempt to steal a base on a foul tip. Note, however, that if the catcher drops a foul tip, it is considered to be a foul ball, and no base runner may advance.
NO. A runner cannot advance on a foul ball that is not "played" (i.e. if a foul fly ball is CAUGHT, the runner may tag up). A foul bunt on a 2 strike count is a dead ball out.
The base runner can not advance on a foul ball, he must return to the base he was at before the foul ball was hit. A base runner may advance on a caught foul ball, but must tag up and advance only after the ball is touched by a defensive player. To answer your original question, yes, all base runners must return to the base they occupied prior to the foul, and must touch that base before play is continued.
yes, but runner must not advance to next base until ball is caught by defensive player.
Runners can advance in any case even with 2 outs. The batter is different. If first base is occupied with less than 2 outs then the batter cannot advance but everyone else can... It would be more of a steal than drop strike though. If there are 2 outs and he strikes out on a dropped strike, the batter is allowed to advance with a runner already occupying first. In any other case you can go whenever you please
YES if you are playing by MLB rules. In Major League Baseball that situation would result in a FOUL TIP, the pitch is considered a strike, and the ball is in play. According to MLB definitions, "A FOUL TIP is a batted ball that goes sharp and direct from the bat to the catchers hand(glove) and is legally caught." If a batted ball takes a "sharp and direct" path towards the catcher's glove and IS NOT caught then it is a FOUL BALL, the ball is considered "dead", and the runner CAN NOT advance. For example, if a runner attempts to steal second base and as the pitch arrives a FOUL TIP occurs, if the runner is not thrown out, a stolen base is awarded UNLESS the FOUL TIP results in a third strike to make the third out of an inning.
In MLB, yes. According to MLB rules, a foul tip is a ball that is tipped by the batter that goes straight back into the catcher's mitt. It is considered a swinging strike and not a foul ball.
If the ball is in foul territory and hits a base runner in foul territory then it is a foul ball, so no he would not be out
A "bunt" is a ball batted into the infield by the batter while holding the bat sideways between his hands. This is a deliberately short hit that is designed to advance a runner and not gain first base for the batter. A bunted ball that rolls foul is considered a strike, even if it is the third strike.
Yes. It would be considered a foul tip not a foul ball. Foul tips are treated as if the hitter never even touched it. In this case a runner may advance at his/her own risk.
No, a foul ball is a dead ball, so nobody advances.
NO... anyball landing foul is a foul ball and is a dead ball ...Clarification:the way i read this question is "if a thrown ball hits a runner and goes out of play can the runner advance?" -- If this is the question you are asking, then, yes, a runner can advance on a thrown ball that goes out of play. Runner will be allowed to advance 1 base after the ball goes out of play. The only time this wouldn't be the case is if the runner was running to 1st and the ball hits him and it is deemed interference, he would then be called out.The question is a bit unclear, so it really depends on what you are asking
Yes. He must tag the base.