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If it is an attempted steal of home, or if it is a suicide squeeze play, the batter has the right to be in the batter's box in order to attempt to hit the pitched ball. However, he may not remain there after the attempt if a play is subsequently being made at the plate (for example, on a passed ball, or if the runner on 3rd base is in a rundown).

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Yes, but he better watch for high and in balls because the pitcher will be gunning to back him off the base for a better strike zone.

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Q: Can a batter crowd the plate?
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What direction does the batter face when in the batter's box?

The batter faces towards home plate, with their feet just further than shoulder width apart. If the batter is right handed, they will stand to the left of the plate, looking over their left shoulder at the pitcher. If the batter is left handed, they will stand to the right of the plate, looking of their right shoulder at the pitcher.

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Pitch close to the batter.

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The batter is called a switch hitter.

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When the batter is standing on the plate.

What direction does the batter face when in the batters box?

The batter faces towards home plate, with their feet just further than shoulder width apart. If the batter is right handed, they will stand to the left of the plate, looking over their left shoulder at the pitcher. If the batter is left handed, they will stand to the right of the plate, looking of their right shoulder at the pitcher.

The Pitcher throws towards home plate. the ball bounces in the dirt before home plate and it hits the batter is it a dead ball or hit batter?

It is a dead ball and the batter is awarded first base and is ruled a hit by pitch

If a batter steps on home plate to avoid being hit by a pitch is the pitch a strike?

One Answer:Before the hit yes. After no. the home plate is in fair territory between the batters box and first base so it is often stepped on, however the batter must hit the ball while inside the batters box. Correct Answer:There is no rule in MLB prohibiting a batter from stepping on home plate.

What is it if a batter holds the bat over the plate?

A bunt attempt.

If a batters foot touches the side of the plate while swinging is the legal?

No. MLB Rule 6.03 states: "The batter's legal position shall be with both feet within the batter's box. APPROVED RULING: The lines defining the box are within the batter's box." Since home plate is not within the batter's box, touching the plate with a foot while swinging would not be legal.