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A bunt attempt.

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Q: What is it if a batter holds the bat over the plate?
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If a batter holds the bat over the plate and does not swing or move the bat when pitch is thrown is it a strike?

That is considered a strike.

What is a four letter word for baseball technique?

Bunt - it's where the batter holds the bat in front of the plate and taps the ball into play instead of swinging at it.

Where is the taper of the bat?

The taper is the area that the batter holds (the bottom)

When bunting in live baseball does the batter have to remove the bat from the strike zone t?

if the batter is in bunting position(with the bat over the plate) he needs to pull the bat back. Otherwise strike. And if he has 2 strikes and fouls off a bunt its considered strike three.

Does a team bat around when the ninth batter comes to the plate or when the tenth batter comes to the plate?

Batting around the order happens when the 10th batter comes to the plate (actually the first batter up in the line-up)

How can you tell if a ball is hittable from watching?

When you know its abojt to over home plate and the batter is about to take a big swing and lookin at the ball all the way to the bat

Can a batter switch sides of the plate during the same at bat?

noWrong!! The batter may switch sides of the plate as long as the pitcher is not on the rubber prepared to pitch. He could switch several times during the at-bat.

If a batter hits the ball but it hits the batter then home plate is it fair?

if it hits off the bat then the batter its autmatically foul but if they completely miss then its a strike

How do you calculate at bats?

A batter is credited with an at bat for every plate appearance except: 1) base on balls 2) hit by pitch 3) sacrifice fly 4) sacrifice bunt 5) catcher's interference If an inning ends while a batter is in the middle of an at bat (eg., a base runner is thrown out stealing for the 3rd out) no at bat is credited and the batter is the first batter to bat in the next inning. If the batter is replaced before the at bat is completed, no at bat is credited unless the batter was replaced with two strikes and the replacement batter strikes out. The strikeout is credited to the batter who was replaced.

When a batter switches boxes can he cross the plate or does he have to walk behind the Umpire?

Absolutely he can cross the plate if he wants to. The reason they walk behind the umpire is just out of common courtesy. When you step over the plate, you risk the chance of kicking dirt on it. The batter can only switch boxes if he is a switch hitter and a new pitcher comes in. Otherwise a batter must remain on the same side of the plate for the entire At-Bat.

Where in the baseball rule book does it state that a batter must declare which side of the plate they must bat from during a specific at bat?

surely it depends on whether the batter is left or right handed Answer: NOWHERE!

If a hitter motions for a bunt and doesnt make contact and the pitch is a ball is the batter charged with a strike or ball?

if the batter doesnt pulll back the bat its considered a strike It depends If the bat passes the front of the plate then it is a strike If the bat stays behind the plate it is the ball It is determined the same way that a held swing is