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Q: Calling your own fouls in basketball is an example of which domain?
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What is the umpires job in basketball?

There are not umpires in Basketball but there are referees. The referees are in charge of making sure the game is played correctly such as calling fouls, when needed.

Name one Technical fouls for basketball?

a player getting fowled, and the ref. not calling the fowl and the player in response swearing

Which basketball players have worn jersey number 9?

usually basketball players use number 0-5 so that refs can signal their number when calling fouls..

How many fouls are there in Basketball?

There are 14

How many fouls can you get in basketball?


How many fouls before the player leaves the court?

5 fouls is when a Basketball player will be kicked out of a basketball game due to fouling out.

How many times can you foul in basketball?

2 technical fouls and 6 fouls

What is the Average of fouls per pro basketball game?

i think the avrage is 4 fouls

Number of personel fouls you can get before youre out of the game in basketball?


What fouls are there in basketball?

personal team technical

What does fls mean in basketball stats?


How many fouls you get per game?

In most leagues it is 5 fouls until you are out. However, in some tournaments they can make up whatever rules they want so any number of fouls. But basically it is 5 fouls. -Kristen (I have played basketball for 6 years)