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5 fouls is when a Basketball player will be kicked out of a Basketball game due to fouling out.

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Phyllis Larkin

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2y ago
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Q: How many fouls before the player leaves the court?
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Related questions

How many fouls before a basketball player leaves the court?

they can get 5 or six fouls before leaving the cort

How many personal fouls can a player commit in NBL and NWBL basketball before being sent from the court?

In the NBL you can get 6 fouls

Are 4 fouls an out?

No, in the NBA a player has to reach 6 fouls before he's "fouled out".

How may fouls does each player get before fouling out in the NBA?


How many fouls per game can you have in the WNBA?

Using NBA rules a player is only allowed 6 fouls before being disqualified. In an event where a player receives their 6th foul on the court with all substitutes being disqualified, the player on the court remains in the game and is charged a personal and team foul.

How many fouls can an olyimpic basketball player commit before being asked to leave the cort?

5 fouls

In volleyball how many fouls can a player get before they have to sit out?


How many fouls allowed in basketball?

on player can have up to four fowls if they get 5 they are out of the game, and they are when a player slaps or hitts the other players arms (from hand to shoulder), or when a player blocks another player and moves they feet :-)

How many fouls can a basketball player can make before he is expelled?

Up to 5. But let's say player x has just gotten 5 fouls the next foul he gets he is disqualified.

How many fouls allowed before a foul to give?

4 fouls. On the fifth foul the player charged is disqualified from the remainder of the game and the offended player is awarded one or more free throws.

5 fouls on a player?

the player fouls out ,and is out the rest of the game

How many fouls can a player get before having to sit the rest of game in volleyball?

There is no such thing as fouls in volleyball. Well, a player can get a foot foul, and that is when the players foot touches or crosses serving line. You can get as many of those as you want. There really isn't any fouls in volleyball like there are in basketball