In real fastpitch softball, No, they can't. There are certain gloves fit specifically for women's hands.
softball is played with bats , softballs , mits , bases , people , and a field. softball is a sport you can start at a very small age to get better so you can play travel or on a huge team for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!
Mits Hommeles was born on April 11, 1996.
That is - ee-mits.
Softball and baseball are different for several reasons. First off the ball size of a softball and baseball are different. A softball is bigger than a baseball. Also a softball is yellow and a baseball is white. Also the dimensions of the field are different. In softball the bases are 60 ft apart and the baseball bases are 90 ft apart. The fences vary and the pitchers mounds for different leagues in both, but in baseball both the pitching mound and the fences tend to be a further than in softball. The pitching motions of the two are also different. In baseball one pitches overhand and in softball they pitch underhand. The games have the same basics concept, but differ a great deal.
Softball is played with a bigger ball, on a smaller field, different pitching tecnique, bigger bats and there isn't Pro softball unless you travel to a different country to play, like Meghan Denny did. Plus, I play and live right next to her!!
Well I play softball and the name softball I say is to make the boys jelous because they have to use the really small balls and we have the larger ones but the hardness of them are the same but hte wieght is a different story.
NCAA and NPF use a 12" diameter softball however, there are many other different sizes.
It all depends. Baseball and softball pitching mechanics are way different.
no the softball is much bigger and different. you use your index, middle, ring, and pinky(for support) and your thumb to pitch. softball and baseball has the nsame pitches, but different ways to do it. trust me I'm a softball player :) and a pitcher:) and a hitting slugger:)
officials of softball