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Softball and Baseball are different for several reasons. First off the ball size of a softball and baseball are different. A softball is bigger than a baseball. Also a softball is yellow and a baseball is white. Also the dimensions of the field are different. In softball the bases are 60 ft apart and the baseball bases are 90 ft apart. The fences vary and the pitchers mounds for different leagues in both, but in baseball both the pitching mound and the fences tend to be a further than in softball. The pitching motions of the two are also different. In baseball one pitches overhand and in softball they pitch underhand. The games have the same basics concept, but differ a great deal.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

A baseball is smaller than a softball

softball- first base looks different

Pitch underhand

Baseball- overhand

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Q: How a baseball and softball different?
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What are some pitching tools in baseball and softball?

It all depends. Baseball and softball pitching mechanics are way different.

What is the main difference between baseball and softball?

the thing about softball is that the ball thrown by the pitcher is different than baseball in baseball they trow it normal and in softball the pitcher trows it as a circular form, and baseball is played most by man and softball women.

How is baseball different from softball?

softball has a bigger ball and despite its name, the official softball is the same hard as a baseball also, the ball is pitched underarm in softball

What is the difference between softball and baseball?

There isn't much of a difference.. But Softball has a ball 12 inches in circumference. The baseball is 9 inches in circumference.. Softball uses different bats, balls, and glove

What are some practical applications for softball vs baseball?

in softball pitchers ar much closer and wear a mask ann in baseball you have a different bat

Are the ways you hold a softball to pitch the same as holding a baseball to pitch?

no the softball is much bigger and different. you use your index, middle, ring, and pinky(for support) and your thumb to pitch. softball and baseball has the nsame pitches, but different ways to do it. trust me I'm a softball player :) and a pitcher:) and a hitting slugger:)

What's the difference between softball and baseball?

There isn't much of a difference.. But Softball has a ball 12 inches in circumference. The Baseball is 9 inches in circumference.. Softball uses different bats, balls, and glove

What is heavier a baseball or softball?

An official baseball is 5 oz. and an Official Softball is 6.8oz.

Which is better softball or baseball?


What is the difference in the regulations of baseball and softball?

There are several key differences between softball and baseball regulations. The first difference is that there are different pitching rules. In baseball the ball is pitched overhand and in softball the ball is pitched underhand. There is also different sizes for balls, softballs are bigger than baseballs. There is also different rules in leading. For softball you can only leave the base once the ball leaves the pitchers hand, in baseball you are allowed to leave the base prior to the pitcher releasing the ball. Another difference is that in baseball bases are 90 feet apart, and in softball they are 60 feet apart.

Why the ball of baseball is hard why the game is called softball?

Baseball is not called softball. The game of softball is called softball because the ball used is softer than a baseball.

Can a softball damage a baseball bat?

Softball bats are designed to hit softballs. Hitting a baseball with a softball bat may damage the bat. Either hit a softball or get a baseball bat if you do not want to risk damaging your bat.