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yes you need to work hard to get the job of a softball player and by the way softball i hard to play!!!!

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Q: Are the jobs of a softball player hard to get?
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What is the average salary for a softball player?

The average salary for professional softball player jobs is $53,000. Average professional softball player salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits. This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term "professional softball player" anywhere in the job listing.

What is the reaction time of a fastpitch softball player?

it depends how hard the pitch is coming or how hard the ball is hit but you have to have quick reflexes

What are some qualifications to be a profesional softball player?

I dont think that there are very many professional jobs for softball players like there is baseball. But in order to make it to the top you need to be better than "really good"

Why is it hard to hit a softball?

It is not all all hard to hit a softball. It only depends on if you are good or not or if you can hit the ball or not.

Why did softball player Jennifer Sharron be involved in sports?

She became a softball player because as a young child she always enjoyed softball

Who is physically fit a basketball player or a softball player?

a basketball player because in my opinion they definitely move around much more than a softball player. i know this because i am a basketball and softball player and i would say that you move more and quicker than you would in softball

When was professional softball player betty Chapman born?

She was the first professional softball player

How do you say softball player in Spanish?

jugador de softball

What is the ball that is not soo hard?


What are the materials for a softball?

hard stuff

Which is more athletic basketball or softball?

The hardest to me is softball but they rank basketball number 4 and softball number 9 on how hard it is.

Why did they name softball softball?

They named it softball because the game of softball was derived from Baseball. The baseball had a hard core whereas the softball has a soft core, so they named it softball. Although the ball is not softball the core of the ball is soft.