Olympic Weight Lifting and Rock climbing are some great sports that require strength. But they also require determination.
Healthy diet is so important for sports and games. Sports and games need body strength and best diet is necessary for body strength. When you are taking healthy and fresh diet then you will easily avail the strength requirement for sports. Always take good diet for your sports and games activities.
Strength effects sports in many ways ! one way is that you need strength if you are week you wont be able to play. Simple sports like kick ball you need strength in order to kick the ball.There Are Many Other ways but that's just one !
Almost all sports need muscular strength of some type or form. For example even in running it is important to train the muscles of your legs. If you mean dense muscle, sports such as shot put and perhaps boxing are sports that require muscular strength.
To play a sport you need the gear, confidence, strength, vigor, and speed.
In endurance sports. If you don't need the strength, big muscles are simply more to lug around.
To Get There Strength.
Sports that raise your heart rate.
Yes, players need strength and stamina from PE by running, playing sports and getting great grades in other subjects in school.
Many sports by their nature are a demonstration of strength and involve physical contact. As long as that is controlled well with rules, there is nothing wrong with physical sports. If people are happy to play them, then they should be allowed to. If we had no physical sports, sports would not be so interesting. There is also a need for people to have some outlet for expressing their physical strength. If they are not allowed to do it in sport, they may do it in far less controlled ways, such as violence. We need all kinds of sports, for all kinds of people. So yes, physical sports should be encouraged.
A fitness myth is that muscle strength determines how well you do at sports.