The three rings stand for three major countries involved in Bringing back the Olympic games to modern times. The blue and yellow rings represent the country of Sweden.
the red ring in the Olympics rings and repersents the olympic flame the yellow olympic ring and antalope it dosent mean red or flame
the red ring in the Olympics rings and repersents the olympic flame the yellow olympic ring and antalope it dosent mean red or flame
Red, black, yellow, blue and green
blue red yellow black green
Blue,black red,yellow,green
the color on the right hand ring is red if not you're looking at the left hand ring
First ring -blue Second ring -black Thrid ring -red Fourth ring -yellow Fifth ring -green Means Blue,Black,Red,Yellow,Green respectively .
it means one of the nation colour's around the world
The colors of the rings in the Olympic flag do not represent any continent or country. The colors represent the colors found in the flags of the nations that compete in the Olympic Games.
There are three olympic values they are:freindshiprespectexcellenceThe blue ring represents for:participationThe yellow ring represents for:competitionThe black ring represents for:excellenceThe green ring represents for:unityThe red ring represents for:hopeI hope I helped you :)
They represent world unity. Every nation flag has at least one of the olympic ring colours in it.
There are five Olympic Pantone colors that can be seen on the Olympic ring design. These colors are blue, black, red, yellow, and green.