There are several penalties available; they usually fall under either team or personal penalties:
There are many different rules in hockey and to list and explain them all would just be far to hard to understand and it would also be a total waste of time. My advice to you would be to visit many hockey website or Google the rules of hockey and that shoudl explain them in a much less complicated form than giving you the answer here. If you can't find what you excactly want on the computer try asking around or go to many of the various hockey clubs there are around and the will definatly be able to help you.
yes there is a penalty shot awarded in Ice Hockey when a player is on a break away and is tripped or interfered with from behind.
Never. There are no Umpires nor are there Penalty Strokes in hockey.
The stroke can be taken as either a push, a flick or a scoop.
Golf:a penalty stroke is a stroke added to a golfer's score for some infraction, for example, out of bounds or into a water obstacle.Field Hockey:a penalty stroke is awarded for serious or deliberate infractions within the shooting circle, or where the infraction prevented the probable scoring of a goal. A Penalty Stroke in field hockey is much like a Penalty in Football (Soccer).
The striker's feet must be behind the ball before the stroke is taken.
Yes he/she can because they can call a rules official over and give their situation to see if the situation ends up costing the golfer a penalty stroke.
It is called a penalty go to google and search hockey rules and it will tell you like tripping and all of the other penalties
Breaking the rules of golf either result in a one or two shot penalty or disqualification in stroke play and a loss of hole in match play.
penalty box
It is a mixture of field hockey's rules and lacrosses rules.
· kicking (a penalty in hockey) · kneeing (a penalty in hockey) · Kings - Los Angeles Kings (NHL)
penalty box
well first you have to eat the poo and then drink the wee