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Yes, jai alai (at least a variant known as "pelota basque") has been played competitively in the Olympics (Paris, 1900 and Barcelona, 1992) and demonstrated in the Olympics (Mexico, 1968).

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17y ago

Sure, when they play doubles.

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If the word "alai" is at the top of the box it's in, it is "High Alai" (jai Alai the sport)

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It's not a sport. Fronton is the building the sport Jai Alai is played in.

What is pelote jai alai?

A sport played in the south of France.

What sport event has the most betting?

Jai Alai - a ball game most popular in the Middle East but played all over the world; Jai Alai is a fast paced team sport that is best described in brief as a cross between Squash and Lacrosse. It is widely acknowledged by book keepers as the most bet on sport in the world, measured both by the value and volume of the wagers made. Jai Alai and gambling go hand in hand and Jai Alai is one of the few sports where competitors are actually allowed to bet on themselves.

Who invented the sport jai alai?

no one knows it came from spain though

What does the acronym NJAA stand for?

NJAA is the acronym for the non profit organization 'The National Jai-Alai Association'. NJAA are committed to preserving and advertising the sport of Jai-Alai.

What sport's court is sometimes called a cancha?

A cancha is a jai alai court.

What kind of sport starts with a j?

jai alai, judo, jujitsu, jousting

What is the Sport that you throw a ball at a wall really fast then catch it again?

its called Jai Alai pronounced 'hy aly' its from Basque which is in Spain/France.