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jai alai (sport)

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Q: Which sport would you use your cestas to pick up the pelotas?
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In what sport would you use your cestas to pick the pelotas?

Jai Lai

What sport should a ten year old pick?

If it is a girl I would recommend volleyball or swimming. If it is a boy I would recommend baseball, soccer, or lacrosse.

How does scoring work in this sport to determine who is the best?

Primarily, no you need not pick any various sport

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Should athletes play sport even thought they pick on people?

yes...who cares if they pick on people

Do referees pick what sport they referee?

yea, you go to a special referee class. for example, if you wanted to ref soccer you would go to that class

Why do schools pick symbols for there sport team?

its common sense

If you could pick any sport and position within that sport to best describe your character?

Cheerleading- Back Spot. Because im strong and I always pick people up when theyre down

What was the third sport made?

Football Basketball and Soccer ! You Pick One !

Why did rafeal nadal pick tennis as his life sport?

if your as good as he is why wouldn't you!

Would you pick teaching and why would you pick to be teaching?

yes i would pick teaching because you help other people

What kind of oil for a 1998 Ford Contour Sport?

5w30, pick your brand. all are good