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its called Jai Alai pronounced 'hy aly' its from Basque which is in Spain/France.

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Q: What is the Sport that you throw a ball at a wall really fast then catch it again?
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tingleing, a sport were you throw a mouse and them catch it with a bag you try to catch as many mice as possible. I've played it. NOT FUN!!

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To play the sport of softball. You can throw, catch (in a glove), or hit them (with a bat).

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100% yes but it is not a suggested practice. The purpose of a catch block in java code is to handle exceptions. If you want to throw exceptions, then there is no point in writing the try-catch block. We could throw the exception at the point where it occurs instead of writing the try - catch block to catch it and throw it again.

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Practice in a mirror or throw a ball really fast at a wall and try 2 catch it! Practice in a mirror too help you get better hand coordination. Or you may throw a ball at a wall and try to catch it so u can work on hand coordination

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What is the sport played in south Florida on a court with a hard ball an curve stick to catch and throw the ball?

Jai Alai

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Yes, throwing a dog in the air can be harmful and even dangerous. It may cause physical injury or distress to the dog, as they may not know how to land properly or may experience anxiety from the motion. It's best to handle dogs gently and with care to ensure their well-being.

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Chinese top sport is seseme chickin toss. you throw a chickin a peoples faces to see if they catch them in the mouth haha u shouldn't look here

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Fishermen use nets. When just fishing for fun, we throw the line in the water, and reel it in. then throw it in again, and so on, until we catch something.

How does a team add to its score?

Depending on the sport, You can Kick, throw, run, catch, e.t.c. To get a Touchdown, Goal, Homerun, e.t.c. There for adding to their score.

What is quickness used for in sport?

ummm that would be everything... you know.. you run, you kick,, you catch, you throw, your an idiot