It's not a sport. Fronton is the building the sport Jai Alai is played in.
half a fronton game
Fronton Du Duc has written: 'L' histoire tragique de la pucelle d'Orleans' -- subject(s): Drama
Three basic ways:On most lap tops there is a switch on the frontOn most towers there is a USB stick to unplugOn all computers WIFI and Blue-tooth can be disabled from "my computer".
Hurling is the main sport in Cork.Hurling is the main sport in Cork.Hurling is the main sport in Cork.Hurling is the main sport in Cork.Hurling is the main sport in Cork.Hurling is the main sport in Cork.Hurling is the main sport in Cork.Hurling is the main sport in Cork.Hurling is the main sport in Cork.Hurling is the main sport in Cork.Hurling is the main sport in Cork.
It can be both. If you are playing a sport for a team. Then you are doing a sport. If you just sitting on your sofa, you are watching a sport.
an origin sport is a sport's history
No. It is not a sport or a team sport. But lots of people like to play it and say its a sport. :)
darts is a sport
Planning in a sport.
They contributed to sport by reproducing the people who invented sport. THe cavemen passed on their sport down to generations and their children alter the sport.
You say sport in french the same way you spell sport: Sport