If the batter got on base with the original pitcher and he scores of the new pitcher, the previous pitcher is charged with the earned run.
A batter that reaches base due to an error and later scores is not counted as an earned run.
All runners on base move ahead one base. The runner on third scores when he touches home plate. The batter gets an RBI. The pitcher may be charged with an earned run depending on how the runners got on base.The pitcher gets upset with the umpire.
If the batter reaches base as the result of a Wild Pitch, and he later scores, it would be an Earned Run. However, if he reaches base as the result of a Passed Ball, and he later scores, it would be an Unearned Run.
In my opinion, if the pitcher who is responsible for the batter being on second base to begin with, then I believe it is an earned run...
4 runs would score: the 3 runners on base plus the batter who hit the home run. Grand! Slam!
Earned. Unearned runs only apply to cases where an error allows a runner to score where they otherwise would not have.
Yes. The batter would be credited with an at bat and an RBI.
This is what you call and RBI. An RBI is short for "Runners Batter In" Players compete for the highest amount of RBI's. Since batting runners in help your team win the game, the at-bat does not count against the batter. That means that they just swipe the at-bat away. The batter still receives a Plate Appearance, but not an At-Bat. Plate Appearances do not effect your batting average or any of your averages, other then your on base percentage. Think of it this way: If a player hits a fly ball and the runner tags up and scores a run, that's going to help his team win the baseball game. Same goes for a ground ball out, as long as the run gets home, the batter is not charged with getting out. It will go on the score card as a RBI Sac Fly, or just an RBI for a ground ball.
Depends on what happened in the inning prior to and after the batter is hit. Assuming that no errors or passed balls occur, the run will be scored an earned run. If the inning is extended by an error, or the runner scores because of an error or passed ball, the run would be unearned.