All runners on base move ahead one base. The runner on third scores when he touches home plate. The batter gets an RBI. The pitcher may be charged with an earned run depending on how the runners got on base.The pitcher gets upset with the umpire.
He can be called out for purposely getting hit.
yes- if goes out of the baseline before he touches first base, he is out.
Yes, because the bases are loaded!
No. An RBI is not awarded on an error. A fielder's choice, a sacrifice, a walk with the bases loaded or a hit. That's about it. A fielding error does not warrant an RBI.
bases loaded means that there is a runner on 1st base, a runner on 2nd base, and a runner on 3rd base, all of the bases.
Yes they due. If it were any other hit, only the winning run or runs count.
the runner who left the base early is called out.
It still counts as a plate appearance, and as a result of your plate appearance (bases loaded walk), a run scored. Therefore you are credited with an RBI. A sacrifice fly doesn't count as an at-bat either, but RBIs are credited. Double-plays are counted as at-bats but they disqualify RBIs. "At-bats" have absolutely nothing to do with RBIs.
3 base runners on 3 bases
Yes. Even though an RBI is a run batted in, statistically it still counts as an RBI. That goes for a walk or a hit batsman