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The distance from the pitching rubber to the back tip of home plate in professional, college and high school Baseball is 60 ft. 6 in.

In some leagues 13-14 will pitch from that same distance, but in some they will throw from 54 ft. as a transition from little league to high school.

I would check with your rules for your league and work from there.

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16y ago
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15y ago

The distance from home plate to the pitching rubber in high school is the same as it is for the major leagues - sixty feet, six inches.

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12y ago

60' 6" feet from pitchers rubber to rear of home plate in high school, college, & MLB.

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16y ago

the distance is 60ft 6in

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Q: How far is the pitching mound from homeplate in baseball?
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How far is the pitcher's mound from homeplate?

60 feet 6 inches

How far is the pitching mound from home in baseball?

In MLB the mound is 60 feet 6 inches from the plate

How far from Pitching mound to homeplate?

for little leuge it is 46ft. In major leuge it is 60ft

How far is the pitcher's rubber from homeplate?

from the front of the pitching rubber to the back of home plate is 60'6"

How far is it from the pitchers mound to homeplate in the mlb?

Unless they've recently changed it, distance from the rubber to the center of home plate is sixty feet, six inches.

How far is the college pitching mound?

same as pro, 60 ft 6 in.

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What age Dixie Youth.

How far is pircher mound from home for mens fast pitch?

60 feet 6 inches from the tip of home plate to the pitching rubber on the mound.

How far away does a pitching mound have to be for girls fastpich 10 and under?

35 feet from the the tip of home plate to the front edge of the pitching rubber.

How far away is a twelve and under softball pitching mound?

From homeplate to the pitchers mound is 40ft.

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How far away is 1st base from the pictures mound?

The distance between the pitcher's mound to the baseball diamond is roughly 60.5 ft. The distance from homeplate to first base is around 90ft. So basically, the homeplate portion of the baseball diamond is 90 degrees. So if you break that in half that's roughly 45 degrees. Then using law of cosine and using the variable C in place of the distance between the pitcher's mound to first base, you get c^2=(60.5)^2+90^2-2(60.5)(90)(Cos 45) which turns out to be c^2=4059.86. Square that and C= roughly 63.717 and that is the distance between the pitcher's mound to first base. The distance between the pitcher's mound and home plate is exactly, not roughly, 60.5 feet. Another respondent asked why it is not a simple 45-45-90 triangle, and the answer to that is because the pitcher's mound is NOT located in the exact center of the diamond. The pitcher's mound is closer to home plate than it is to second base.