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From homeplate to the pitchers mound is 40ft.

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8y ago
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16y ago

40 feet! I'm a pitcher in softball, exect it's fast pitch so slow pitch may be at 30 feet. I cant remeber! But I'm preety sure!

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15y ago

I belive it is 35 feet. I hope I have helped with your question. :)

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14y ago

The pitchers mound is 40 feet from home plate with younger girl, 43 feet for older girls.

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13y ago

It is 40 feet from the pitcher's mound to home plate.

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16y ago

It's 40 ft away from home plate.

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Q: How far away is a twelve and under softball pitching mound?
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How far is it from home plate to the pitchers mound for twelve under boys baseball?

Softball mound for girls that age is 35 feet.

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How tall are the baseball mounds?

There actually is no "mound" in softball. It's flat from the rubber to the plate. That's why it's also called the "pitching circle", which is the more correct term since there actually is no mound. That term just carried over from baseball.

What is the pitching distance of a pitching rubber to home plate in little league 13 and Under for Softball?

The distance from home plate to the pitcher's rubber is 46 feet.

How far is ten and under softball pitching?

40 feet

How farr is it from the pitchers mound to home plate in softball?

12,16,18 and under play from 40 feet and 10 years and under play from 35 feet

How far is it from pitchers mound to home in elementary softball?

For boys under 15 the pitcher's mound is 46 feet from home plate. For girls, it's forty feet for fast pitch and fifty feet for slow pitch.

How far away does a pitching mound have to be for girls fastpich 10 and under?

35 feet from the the tip of home plate to the front edge of the pitching rubber.

Why aren't baseball and softball played the same way?

I would humbly suggest that this question is sort of like asking "why aren't football and rugby played the same way?" They are played differently because they are different sports.Assuming you are talking about fast-pitch softball, it is interesting to ask, "why does fast-pitch softball exist as a sport?" Softball apologists suggest that it's just as hard to hit an underhand softball from the shorter distance than to hit an overhand baseball from 60 feet 6 inches.Why are they different? Because they have different rules. They are different games. Why did softball come about is another question. It's possible it hung around as a variant of baseball which originally dictated underhand pitching of the ball. The rules changed to allow overhand throws from the mound so perhaps some people kept playing with the original underhand rule and the game evolved from there.OpinionThe main reason for the differences in the rules is due to the size of the ball used. I think the most interesting thing to know would be, "Why is it that baseball is mainly designated for men and softball generally speaking is designated for women? (other then recreation leagues)

What is the distance from home plate to pitchers mound in softball?

43 feet for 13 and up. 40 feet for 11 and 12. 35 feet for 10 and under.

What the distance between the pitcher mound and home plate in slow pitch softball?

According to the National Softball Association rulebook, Women's Adult Slow Pitch Divisions shall have a pitching distance of 53 feet.

What is the distance from home plate to pitcher's mound in fast pitchsolfball?

In fast-pitch softball, it's 46 feet for men and 43 feet for women and everyone under 18 years of age.