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obviously if u dont have limp arm u can throw any ball

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Q: Can you throw a football without your pinky?
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How do you throw a football more accurately?

put your pinky and ring finger on the last two parts of the fence and let go a little bit be side your head

What is the type of pass called when you throw the football and it flies through the air perfectly without wobbling?

A perfectly thrown football is called a Spiral.

How do girls throw a football?

The same way that males throw an (American?) football.

Can people throw a football farther with or without a glove?

i don't think gloves helps with distance, but accuracy.

Which is easier to throw a baseball or a football?


How do you say I like to throw and catch a football?

I say it this way: "I like to throw and catch a football."

What percent of girls can throw a football?

no very many about 30% can throw a football really good. Hope this helped!!(:

How do you throw the football on popropica American football?

snowman balls

Is a wet football better to throw than a dry football?


Can you swim without your pinky finger?

Yes you can even swim without arms.

What do you do with footballs?

In American football (gridine) you kick and throw it. In Irish football (gaelic) you kick, hanball and throw it. Soccer - Kick and Throw Aussie Rules - Kick, HAndball, SMILE!!!!

What is the distance you can throw a football on a standard football field?

Well, many quarterbacks can throw 60 yards, the farthest recorded throw, was 45646 yards by Donald Trump's hair.