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Your kickflip always goes backside because instead of flicking the board, your kicking. It's a stupid name because you don't actually kick for the kickflip, you flick.

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because your not moving it back on right.

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Q: Why does your back foot keep going to the side while you are ollieing?
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How do you ollie skateboard?

First you need to know if your goofy or standard. Standard (like me) is when your left foot is the front and right foot is your back. Goofy is when your right foot is the front and your left foot is the back. Now place your back foot at the tail of the board. Next place your front foot in the middle of the board. After that your going to pop the tail but not to hard. Then slide your front foot forwards on the grip tape to even it out.

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Im trying to do an ollie and my my foot wont slide?

Just commit and after a while you got it Tip: try holding on to something while doing it it helps

How do you roller skate?

To learn how to skate on a skateboard, you need to have balance. Balance is a big part in skateboarding. Follow these steps: 1. Put your board on concrete, or a wood floor. 2. Put your running foot on the front of the board. 3. Push with the opposite foot. ( Make sure you are on smooth ground.) Don't worry if you fall, everybody falls once in a while. 4. Keep riding... You cant learn to do tricks without learning the basics. 5. If you want to learn tricks, go on the grass first. 6. HAVE FUN! Well, if you mean just gliding then you put one foot (back foot) on the rear bolts, and the other foot (front foot) 3/4 between the back bolts and the front bolts. If you mean ollieing (jumping) you have to put your back foot on the very tip of the rear lip and front foot in the middle of the board, and push down as hard as you can on your back foot. While pushing down, slide your other foot (front foot) quickly upwards in a controlled manner. For other information on ollieing/other skateboard tricks, look at

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How do you ollie 180?

You will need to know how to ollie at least 4 inches while riding. Foot position: front foot like an ollie but toes hanging off a bit. back foot like an ollie but more to the side to your back the action: wind your shoulders and uwind when you are popping the board. keep on turning while you are in the air. land and ride away