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If by tricks you mean flip tricks, then I am no help. But if you mean sliding, and dancing then I'd say the Loaded Dervish is by far the best board, but expensive, my second recommendation would probably be the Landyatchz Drop Carve. Both solid boards for dancing and slides.
These boards are your best bet by far for a beginner.

As far as Freestyle and high speed stand up slides I'd rock a Rayne Nemesis,
And hands down hard wheel sliding, the Rayne Agent or Earthwing Corchia are solid boards.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

The Kracked Skulls series are great for what you are looking for. They are dropped through which makes them a great freeride deck and the flex on them is very comfortable. It is my favorite board for sliding and commuting. Also, you can get a discount using the promotional code DECA at checkout. Go to

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Q: What is a good longboard for cruising freeride and doing tricks?
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Can you put longboard wheels or trucks on a trickboard to make the ride smoother or will that make doing tricks harder?

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Better for beginners of what? If you want to longboard... learn on a longboardIf you want to skateboard... learn on a skateboardThey are quite different to ride, the principals are the same so if you can ride a longboard, you'll be able to ride a skateboard but you'll find doing tricks on a longboard is far harder than on a skateboard.

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Yeah you can however they are not necessarily the best thing for tricks. If you plan on doing tricks all the time you should purchase a normal skateboard. However, if you plan on just riding and occasionally popping ollies get a cruiser. If you still have your doubts I personally am able to kickflip a longboard and ollie one up curbs.

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cause they love doing tricks. dont you know that they do other TRICKS.

Which is better a longboard or skateboard?

If you are a grommet (beginner in sk8ter talk) and you would like to do streetskating that involves kickflips, grinds, ollies, and kickturns then you should definetly get a trickboard. But if you are a more expierenced sk8ter who likes crusin' I reccommend a longboard. Overall a trickboard is more flexible and specifically designed for tricks.

Is Resin-7 skateboard good for 220 pound teen?

Unfortunately no, it won't. It depends what you'll be doing, if you're going to try tricks on the board then I'm sorry to say it - you're just too heavy, boards will snap fast. If you're just cruising along then I think it'd be fine. Bottom line - too heavy for tricks :( but for riding it should be fine.

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yes depending on the mood and the state of mind they are in ,its rare to see them doing tricks ,but they do.

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Doing Magic Tricks

Is doing magic tricks a good talent?

yeah its ok