No you can not you need to peel the old grip off and apply a new piece. I get mine from
YES! it is possible but overtime the first layer that was on there might slip around and ruin the board..
No. it is not you have to remove the first one fist.if you don't know how to go on YouTube.
Use a screwdriver or file and wear down the edges of the grip until it can be pulled from the board.This is how I gripped all my boards for my first ten years of skating.
To put grip tape on a board you must first take the tape off of the plastic/wrapper. Then you put it on your board try not to get any air bumps. Then cut off the extra tape on the sides with a knife or maybe scissors. take some of the extra grip tape and file down the edges. Then take your screws for the trucks and push them through the holes. After that just attach the trucks, wheels, bearings, risers, and hardware and you're good to thrash.
the best times to change your skateboard are when the bearings are shot so the wheels don't spin that good anymore, or of course if any part of your board falls off. if you have had a skateboard for a long time and it still rides well than you should just get new grip tape and ask the skate shop to put in on for you, but if they charge then just put it on yourself. I put grip tape on my board and i have no air bubbles and its really easy. Just look on you tube for video's.
Voodoo 13: If you buy a board from a store already put together, Yes it will already have grip tape on it. Many skate shops will include basic grip tape when you buy a deck from them as well..
Clear grip tape is REALLY good if the top of your deck has graphics on it.. or .. What I've done on a couple of decks I've put together- put stickers on the top of the deck and lay over it with clear grip tape.. the effect is cool with the stickers showing through the tape and the decals stay somewhat protected too.. The down side of clear grip is that if it gets street crud all on it - it is a pain to clean..
nun ya
You'll need the following: - a Stanley knife - two-sided golf grip tape - the new grip - some golf grip thinner 1. Cut off the old grip with the knife (be careful) 2. Remove the tape that's underneath it and is on the shaft 3. Cut a piece of the new golf tape the length of the golf grip 4. Leaving a 1/4" of tape over the top of the shaft, wrap the tape around it 5. Peel off the outer layer of the two sided tape 6. Pour a little thinner on the tape and make sure it's all covered 7. Pour a little thinner in the golf grip. Stick a tee in the butt end where the hole is. Put your thumb over the open end and shake the thinner in the grip so the inside gets coated. 8. Slide the grip on over the shaft. Press the butt hard to make sure its all the way on., 9. Align the markings on the grip with the clubface as desired 10. Leave for 24 hrs.
Nothing much happens it just gets wet and a little slippery. But if you put a lot of water then it will take a Few days to become back to how it was Don't try to put water on it or mud as the mud takes long to get off
Yes, just make sure once you put it on you wet it with plenty of solvent, inside the grip and on the grip tape.
im no pro but i suggest you try taking off the old grip take before putting the new on. taking the old off wash the wood a bit, let it dry then put your new tape on ! :D
bro just get a blowdryer and heat up the griptape for about 5 minutes and it'll peel right off the board like nothing, then grip your board with the new sheet.
no you don't tape the top of your lacrosse just tape just lower region for better grip and reminding you where to put your hands.