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Clear grip tape is REALLY good if the top of your deck has graphics on it.. or .. What I've done on a couple of decks I've put together- put stickers on the top of the deck and lay over it with clear grip tape.. the effect is cool with the stickers showing through the tape and the decals stay somewhat protected too.. The down side of clear grip is that if it gets street crud all on it - it is a pain to clean..

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the gorrilla tape it great. The black stuff.

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Related questions

Does a skateboard need grip tape?

grip tape is one of the most important parts to any functioning skateboard. it helps you stay on.

Where can you purchase clear grip tape in Barrie Ontario?

try sport check,walmart any malls, or drive to bufalo and go to dickies or go online

Why do skateboards have grip tape on them?

To put grip tape on a board you must first take the tape off of the plastic/wrapper. Then you put it on your board try not to get any air bumps. Then cut off the extra tape on the sides with a knife or maybe scissors. take some of the extra grip tape and file down the edges. Then take your screws for the trucks and push them through the holes. After that just attach the trucks, wheels, bearings, risers, and hardware and you're good to thrash.

What are good jump- style shoes?

Vans,Converse any shoes with a flat bottom, and any worn in skate shoes :) plus what also works is putting tape at the bottom of your shoes for less grip.

Can you use any type of skateboard to do the Ollie?

As long as there is grip tape and a end that is bent up its possible

Where can you get grip tape for a fingerboard?

There is a great site that offers READY TO USE grip tape for fingerboards and tech decks. Grip 'Ur' Deck is the name of the company. They have lots of different colors and patterns. Plus some great ideas for creating your own designs using different colors. There is also a contest and you can win some free grip tape for fingerboards and tech decks!

Where can one purchase clear tape for health care?

Clear tape can be purchased at any of your local drug store or pharmacy. There may even be a small section in your local grocery for healthcare and medicine.

Is Black diamond griptape any good?

it is OK grip tape but i wouldn't recommend it because the glue that holds it to your board sucks and you can just peel it off, it you did get it i would suggest getting some gorilla glue too.

Is grip tape waterproof?

Well i guess you could say that, but its never a good idea to get any part of your skate wet. Wet grip is less grippy and increases the chance of your grip peeling off. Also if you get your deck wet it can become waterlogged (which causes it to be heavy and lose pop), not to mention the rust on your trucks and bearings (rust can eventually cause your bearings to fall apart)

What kind of packaging tape is really good?

Personally the only packaging tape or any kind of tape I've had good luck with is by the Scotch company. They have the best kinds of tape, they have been a reputable company for years.

Where to find white grip tape for baseball bats?

This can be found at any Sporting Goods store, also in the Sporting Goods section of any major retailer such as Wall-Mart, Target, or KMart.

Is the grip good on ambition snow skates?

its pretty much the same as any grip on snowskates except for extremegrip which is like needed for flip tricks and such