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Its just to help instructors, visitors, and audience members determine which dancer is in which level.

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Q: Why do you have different leotards for different grades in ballet?
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Where online can one purchase a ballet leotard?

You can buy ballet leotards and "DiscountDance". "DiscountDance" has over 100 leotards to choose from. They offer many designs and colors and are also affordable.

Where can one find reasonably priced ballet leotards?

Inexpensive ballet leotards are available from On Stage Dancewear, Discount Dance, All About Dance, Dance Wear Solutions, Dancers Warehouse, Dance 4 Less, and Amazon.

Are there juicy couture ballet leotards?

no there is surprisingly not There ARE bathing suits. But I suppose that that is the closest thing too it.

What do you call ballet tights?

Ballet tights are called 'ballet tights' or 'dance tights'. Ballet tights for women are thinner than those designed for men since they are worn under leotards.

For what activities are childrens leotards appropriate?

Children's leotards are appropriate for activities such as ballet dancing and other forms of dance. You can get more information about this at the eHow website. Once on the page, type "Dance leotards for kids" into the search field at the top of the page and press enter to bring up the information.

How did people start to wear ballet leotards?

Because it makes them look hotter and alot sexyeralso it make it easier for the boys to get there penis in there which ballet people love apparently thats what i got told

Why do ballet dancers wear tuts?

Tutus are worn for performances because they kinda look nicer. On normal practice sessions,we wear leotards. :]

How would you identify ballet?

Ballet is a very common style of dancing which requires theability to be very light on your feet and to be able to move gracefully. Usually the dancers will be wearing leotards or often in a girls case a tutu.

A ballet dancer usually wears a l?

Hmm.. well I don't exactly know what an "l" is. I know that it is like, a subway train-thingy in Chicago... if you're talking about a leotard, then yes; ballet dancers do wear leotards.

Why do ballet dancers wear leotards?

The leotard is more put together and classical and the leotard helps the dancer do some dance moves that were not possible in a tshirt and shorts.

What is the typical dance apparel worn for those who take ballet classes?

Typical apparel worn by students at ballet classes can be tights and leotards or tshirts and shorts. The most important thing about what to wear for ballet classes is that one has complete freedom of movement. Most students wear ballet shoes, although some prefer bare feet.