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Ballet tights are called 'ballet tights' or 'dance tights'.

Ballet tights for women are thinner than those designed for men since they are worn under leotards.

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13y ago

In America tights are most often called pantyhose or stockings.

However, some products called stockings may be thigh-highs, so be sure to check.

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You may be thinking of "Leotards".

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Q: What do you call ballet tights?
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Related questions

What is the classic ballet uniform?

A leotard, tights and ballet slippers. (pointe or flat)

What do i need for ballet?

Leotard, tights, ballet flats, and pins for a hair bun.

What do you wear when you perform ballet?

Generally it is pink ballet tights with ballet shoes or pointe shoes, then a leotard/ballet dress or tutu.

A famous male that wears tights?

Mikhail Baryshniko, a male ballet dancer wears tights.

What do you have to wear to Ballet?

I do ballet, so you have to wear tights, a leotard and a skirt, plus ballet slippers.... it may be different though in other ballet schoolsThe usual boilerplate wardrobe is:For girls--A uni-tard, tights and slippers (or perhaps Pointe shoes).For boys: A T-shirt, dance belt, tights and soft slippers.

Is there a particular clothing worn when ballet is performed?

The traditional clothing is tights, ballet shoes, and a tutu.

Name a job that makes mens wear tights?

ballet dancerathletecircus performerminstrel

Dress code for the ballet?

Usually a leotard with pink tights.

What do ballet dancing people wear?

Ballet tights made from spandex. The women wear tutu's as well sometimes.

What do you need for ballet class?

It depends on the uniform for the dance school, usually a pair of ballet shoes, tights and a leotard.

Are white women's ballet tights supposed to be see through?

To answer both of your possible questions: No. Tights are not supposed to be see through.

Can a man wear a ballet dress to ballet school?

It depends on the ballet school, although the most common uniform is a shirt, dance belt, and tights.