There's no age (unless you dance school specifically says so, which is not likely). It should have to do with how strong you are.
There are no age limits to start ballet as each studio differs but it is best not to start too early, six is a good age to start at if you want to be a professional ballerina
no it is a great age to start, go for gold
well the legal age in Australia is 13 however some dance schools allow you to be younger. ,ost of the time it also depends on how strong your anckles and legs are.
She started her professional training at the Charlotte School, in London. Her dancing career at the Royal Ballet began at the age of 13.
There's no age (unless you dance school specifically says so, which is not likely). It should have to do with how strong you are.
There are no age limits to start ballet as each studio differs but it is best not to start too early, six is a good age to start at if you want to be a professional ballerina
Well it depends on when your ankles and feet are strong enough. Usaully about the age of 12 and have had years of experience of ballet. And also when your dance teacher thinks you are strong enough to go onto point. If your ankles arn't strong enough for point shoes you will experience some ankle issues.
no it is a great age to start, go for gold
Around the age of 3
Any age is a good time to start but if you are 20 it would be very hard to become a professional ballet dancer. If you are just doing it for fun and for exercise that is okay.
Yes you can. It is recommended that you start at an early age as your bones are more flexible but 10 is still young.
well the legal age in Australia is 13 however some dance schools allow you to be younger. ,ost of the time it also depends on how strong your anckles and legs are.
She started her professional training at the Charlotte School, in London. Her dancing career at the Royal Ballet began at the age of 13.
You can start learning ballet at any time. If you start too young, you could get into bad habits, and the Ropyal Ballet School says you should start around 6-7 years of age. You go down to the locakl ballet school, and if you are amazing, auditionj for the Royal Ballet School. Also, go for their Summer School. You learn LOADS, and it is amazing there!!
At least the age of 5.