There's no age (unless you dance school specifically says so, which is not likely). It should have to do with how strong you are.
Anybody who has been in ballet for many years and is old enough and mentallly and physically ready for pointe.
the women wear panniers, hoopskirts draped at the sides for fullness.
well the legal age in Australia is 13 however some dance schools allow you to be younger. ,ost of the time it also depends on how strong your anckles and legs are.
Well if you're talking about Ballet then they all wear pointe shoes. They are the classic shoes you associate with Ballet but boy, do they hurt! The pointe shoes require you to dance on your tippy toes and if under age children ( aged up until at least 12 years old) try to use pointe it can lead to damage of the foot, the best example being Cheryl Cole, who had gone onto pointe too early which caused her to damage her feet and had to get an operation before being able to wear high heels. But pointe shoes aren't all bad. They look great and if used right, cause no injuries.
at 12 years old or when your feet have stopped growing
Anybody who has been in ballet for many years and is old enough and mentallly and physically ready for pointe.
to wear warm shoes! which can warn the body
Emma Watson is exactly 16 years old in ballet shoes!
About 13...
the women wear panniers, hoopskirts draped at the sides for fullness.
Labour day but this is now old fashioned, you can wear white shoes whenvever you like!
sandals , flipflops , OLD shoes....... just Wear reebok shoes
well the legal age in Australia is 13 however some dance schools allow you to be younger. ,ost of the time it also depends on how strong your anckles and legs are.
Well if you're talking about Ballet then they all wear pointe shoes. They are the classic shoes you associate with Ballet but boy, do they hurt! The pointe shoes require you to dance on your tippy toes and if under age children ( aged up until at least 12 years old) try to use pointe it can lead to damage of the foot, the best example being Cheryl Cole, who had gone onto pointe too early which caused her to damage her feet and had to get an operation before being able to wear high heels. But pointe shoes aren't all bad. They look great and if used right, cause no injuries.
It depends on what size shoes u wear, not ur age....tard.
you're never too old. =]
at 12 years old or when your feet have stopped growing