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You can start Ballet at any age but if you expect to dance en pointe you wont. I started ballet at age 2 and i got my shoes when i was 12 it takes 8 years minimum to get pointe shoes but most school dont let girls start intill there 12 or older. It might be hard to get into a begginers class because most girls are already on pointe you might get into a class with 11 year olds or younger. I recomend doing a diffrent type of dance like jazz or lyrical because they dont need as much training

Listen, I knew a girl that started ballet at 7 years old (and that's pretty late) but she is one of the best dancers ever!! (I mean, she's not exactly as famous as like, Baryshnikov, but she is still really good! (:

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Q: Can you do ballet at any age?
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Can you do ballet if you are 11 years old?

you can do it at any age !!!

How old do you have to be to dance ballet?

To dance regular ballet you can be just about any age. To dance en pointe you should be AT LEAST 11.

Is 20 is a good age to start studying ballet?

Any age is a good time to start but if you are 20 it would be very hard to become a professional ballet dancer. If you are just doing it for fun and for exercise that is okay.

What age do you retire ballet?

Any age, but the older you get the harder it may become. Be careful and don't hurt yourself. In my opinion, late 30's

How old do you have to be to get into Ballet School?

you can start ballet at any age there are classes for 2 year olds all the way up yo adult. It is a common misconception that you have to be young to start ballet, i started when i was 13 and now im en pointe and as good as my friends how have been doing it since they were four. so please dont be put off by your age ballet is wonderful no matter how old you are !! :)

What is the retirement age of a ballet dancer?

Most ballet dancers are young, in their teens or twenties. There are some older ballet dancers, but ive never heard of one past their thirties. There is no set "retirement age"

Where do you learn ballet?

You can start learning ballet at any time. If you start too young, you could get into bad habits, and the Ropyal Ballet School says you should start around 6-7 years of age. You go down to the locakl ballet school, and if you are amazing, auditionj for the Royal Ballet School. Also, go for their Summer School. You learn LOADS, and it is amazing there!!

What age do you start ballet point shoes?

Usually around the ages 11-14. Although if you have not done any ballet you will need to do at least a year, if not two, before going en pointe. Also age is not the only factor. Strength of the ankles and technique are both important factors.

What ballet store sell ballet shoes?

Every ballet store should seel ballet shoes. If not, go to any shoe or dance store.

Is grade 4 IDTA ballet good for a 12 year old?

It's not really about your age, it's about how good you are at ballet, your age doesn't really matter. It is quite challenging but it depends on how well you do at ballet and if you have been through the other grades.

Who is Karin Kain?

Karen Kain is a retired Canadian ballet dancer. Now she is the artistic director of the National Ballet of Canada. She began ballet at age 11 in 1962.

What is the age you have to get in to ballet classes and later become a ballerina?

There are no age limits to start ballet as each studio differs but it is best not to start too early, six is a good age to start at if you want to be a professional ballerina